Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Another oldie...."At the cross where I first saw the light"

Would it be so fragrant of an offering if I were as holy as your son?
My sacrifice could n'er attain the righteousness due to your name.

If my rags were robes, would they be acceptable as the curtains in your throne room?
Surely my riches are expended at the very thought of you.

If my possessions were that of a king, could they buy me but a moment with you?
Indeed, that minute were all too much for my kingly treasure.

No, in all of it, O God, I am depraved. A sinner's sinner is my decree. My name is marred with that of transgressions and iniquity. My righteousness is as filthy rags in the light of your glory.

But oh that I might bask in that glory! For it is here that my sin is laid barren. It is desolate before the mercy found in the cross. In that pain and anguish that should have been mine, I find the only propitiation for my wounded and hurting soul. It is here that mine eye has seen the glory of the Lord, who was before time and never ceasing. My every need is fulfilled with the last breath of my savior. Yes, it is in this, the greatest act of love, that I find my rest.

To you, O Lord, is my praise. For there is no one else worthy of exaltation. In your name will strength and power be found for the weak and downtrodden. Be glorified in all that you do my divine King. Let all the people of the earth praise the name of the Lord forever. May he make a footstool of the wicked, and lift up the humble with His mighty right hand. Be honored my God by the turning of the pagan to the salvation of his soul. It is here that I find my praise and adoration. In my depravation you have lifted my heart and spirit. Praise be to the Lord of Hosts for He is good to all the nations.

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