Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Three Words. Ten Definitions. One Constant.

  1. to bring to a fine or a pure state; free from impurities
  2. to purify from what is coarse, vulgar, or debasing
  3. to bring to a finer state or form by purifying
  4. to make fine distinctions in thought or language
  5. to improve by inserting finer distinctions, superior elements, etc.
  1. to rid of whatever is impure or undesirable; cleanse; purify
  2. to clear of imputed guilt or ritual uncleanliness.
  3. to clear away or wipe out legally (an offense, accusation, etc.) by atonement or other suitable action.
  1. to make pure; free from anything that debases, pollutes, adulterates, or contaminates
  2. to free from guilt or evil

Three words. Ten definitions. One constant.

Removal of unwanted, undesirable, even at times toxic substances from a raw source by a third party for the greater value of the source being acted upon; often including the insertion of something not previously innate to the original source.

Often times, we go through these processes in our growth as human beings, but especially as Christians desiring a more intimate walk with God. Unfortunately, there are rarely times that this happens without spiritual surgery. Sometimes minor, sometimes major, but an undergoing all the same.

As I was reflecting on the first 24 years of my life, I realized something. There is a deep longing and desire inside of me to be wild and reckless. To not be tied down. To travel and see more of the world. To be free to pick up and move at any time to any place. Extravagance is not needed for these endeavors. Simple accommodations will do. But why not? Why not go through with these all too natural desires…

Three words. Ten definitions. One constant.

Here it is here it is 14 months after moving to Texas. I’m in a great city, at a great school, have great friends, serving at a great church, and still I am constantly meandering through conscious daydreams of lands far away, distant, and removed. A land of a different language and culture and people; a land of beautiful mountains, woods, streams, and family; and a land of crystal blue oceans, raging seas, and friends. All three of which I have called home.

All too content to be constantly on the move, never content to be still. Worried of what might happen if I am still for too long. What will happen if the surgeon’s scalpel cuts too deep? To the things that I don’t want exposed, the things that only I know about.

Oh no, I do not want this refinement. I do not crave this purging. I do not desire this purification. For with these surgeries comes not only pain from the removal of dross, but also times to heal and be still. It is this stillness that I am so terrified of.

So why? Why do I stay? Why do I not take flight and run to pleasures untamed?

Three words. Ten definitions. One Constant.

It is the reason why we all must learn to submit to the surgeon’s knife. My Constant is the Great Physician who forms and molds the clay of His earthen vessels for His will and His purpose, and their good.

We all have ambitions, desires, wants, and needs. These are not unknown to our Father. He does not turn a deaf ear to His children, but He stretches them and conforms them to Himself.

We do not declare that we are martyrs for a cause. We are not unlovingly sacrificed upon the alter of a malicious, distant, apathetic god. No. We are refined, purged, and purified because of who we were, who He is, and who we have been redeemed to be.

We were:
  • Haters of good
  • Doers of evil
  • Opponents of truth
  • Enemies of God

He is:

  • The source of all that is good
  • Righteousness incarnate
  • The true light that has revealed Himself
  • The gracious redeemer of those who opposed Him.
Make no mistake about it. We were those things, but we are no longer so. We are no longer simply clay in the ground, but now sculpted vessels in the Palace. We have been given finer qualities by the superior Spirit. We have been made rid of whatever is impure and undesirable by the blood of the humble Servant. We have been freed from guilt by the righteous Judge.

We do not sacrifice our lives for pity or for sympathy. No. Our sacrifice of ambitions, goals, aspirations, and even the rights to control our own lives is for the Kingdom of our Holy God. That is what we do. That is who we are. We are servants of the Most High God who is worthy of all that we have, and we refuse to give Him any less.

And He summoned the crowd with His disciples, and said to them, "If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel's will save it.

-Mark 8:34-35

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