Friday, December 26, 2008

Favorite Quotes...

These are some of my favorite quotes. This one's gonna be pretty long cuz I'll continue to put new quotes as I find them, but here's the first batch:

"We need to stop trying to figure out God, and instead just draw close to him."
-Ken Martin (my dad)

"More today, Lord, than yesterday. More tomorrow than today."
-Voddie Baucham

"What makes life worthwhile is having a big enough objective, something which catches our imagination and lays hold of our allegiance; what higher, more exalting and more compelling goal can there be than to know God?"
-J.I. Packer

"For defending the truth in our day, we are called proud and obstinate hypocrites. We are not ashamed of these titles. The cause we are called to defend, is not Peter's cause, or the cause of our parents, or that of the government, or that of the world, but the cause of God. In defense of that cause we must be firm and unyielding."
-Martin Luther's commentary on Galatians 2:11

"Perhaps one reason our preaching about the love of God has such little resonance in the world today is that there is such meager evidence of the holiness of God in our walk and ways."
-Timothy George: "A Theology for the Church" p. 225

"The cross is the place where God's righteousness and mercy embrace, where the holy one of Israel was made to become sin on behalf of and instead of lost sinners. This is the basis of our reconciliation with God and also of our concern to maintain standards of justice and equity in society. We affirm the goodness of creation, the sanctity of human life, and the integrity of marriage not out of humanistic concerns but because we are accountable to a holy God who calls us to seek justice, love mercy, and work for peace in the world that this great God has made and will one day judge.
-Timothy George: "A Theology for the Church" p. 225

"Jesus gives the world the right to decide whether those who bear his name truly belong to him based upon their observable love for one another (John 13:35)... such observable love as the "untried apologetic" the world is waiting to see demonstrated with in the church. Such love is the mark of genuine Christianity."
-Timothy George: "A Theology for the Church" p. 228

"The incarnation and passion of Christ therefore are set forth for our contemplation, in order above all that we may behold and know the love of God toward us. So John 3 says: "God so loved the world," etc. Here God pours our not sun and moon, nor heaven and earth, but his own heart and his dearest Son, and even suffers him to shed his blood and die the most shameful of all deaths for us. Shameful, wicked, ungrateful people. How can we here say anything else but that God is nothing but an abyss of eternal love. We have received from God naught but love and favor, for Christ has pledged and given us his righteousness and everything that he has, has poured out upon us all his treasures, which no man can measure and no angel can understand or fathom, for God is a glowing furnace of love, reaching even from the earth to the heavens."
-Martin Luther as quoted in Philip S. Watson's "Let God Be God"

If our lives and ministries are expressions of what we actually believe, and if what we believe is off center and yet so pervasive that it is seldom even brought to conscious discussion, much less debated, then this explains why our impact on the world is so paltry compared to our numbers.
-J. P. Moreland
Love Your God With All Your Mind: Ch1

It may, perhaps, be pleasant to be able to impose on the public in such a case; but it is sometimes a disadvantage to be so very guarded. If a woman conceals her affection with the same skill from the object of it, she may lose the opportunity of fixing him; and it will then be but poor consolation to believe the world equally in the dark. There is so much of gratitude or vanity in almost every attachment, that it is not safe to leave any to itself. We can all begin freely - a slight preference is natural enough; but there are very few of us who have heart enough to be really in love without encouragement. In nine cases out of ten, a woman had better show more affection than she feels. Bingley likes your sister undoubtedly; but he may never do more than like her, if she does not help him on.
- Jane Austen
Pride & Prejudice: Ch. 6

Be careful what you shoot at Ryan. Things in here don't react well to bullets.
-Sean Connery
The Hunt For Red October

For now,
Jeff (12/27/08)

NEW QUOTE (3/23/09)
(Biblical preachers are) "in a line of great succession. The reformers, the Puritans, the pastors of the Pilgrim fathers were essentially expositors. They did not announce their own particular opinions, which might be a matter of private interpretation or doubtful disposition, but taking their stand on Scripture, drove home their message with irresistible effect with 'Thus saith the Lord.' "
-F. B. Meyer

"Thinking is difficult, but it stands as our essential work. Make no mistake about the difficulty of the task. It is often slow, discouraging, overwhelming. But when God calls us to preach, He calls us to love Him with our minds. God deserves that kind of love and so do the people whom we minister."
-Haddon W. Robinson
"Biblical Preaching" Ch. 2 p. 46

New Quote (9/16/09)
"A woman has a close male friend. This means that he is probably interested in her, which is why he hangs around her so much. But she sees him strictly as a friend. This always starts out with, 'You're a great guy, but I don't like you in that way.' This is roughly the equivalent for the guy of going to a job interview and the company saying, 'You have a great resume, you have all the qualifications we are looking for, but we're not going to hire you. We will, however, use your resume as the basis for comparison for all other applicants. But, we're going to hire somebody who is far less qualified and is probably an alcoholic. And if he doesn't work out, we'll hire somebody else, but still not you. In fact, we will never hire you. But we will call you from time to time to complain about the person that we hired."

New Quote (12/11/09)
"There are two different senses in which a number of people can have a good in common. In the weak sense, the common good is whatever is good for each other irrespective of whether there is any bond between them. You do not have to know that Tom is married to Rosemary to know that having shoes that fit is good for both. But in the strong sense, the common good is what pertains to there partnership in a good life. Marital love is a good for Tom and Rosemary in a wholly different way than having shoes that fit; apart from their bond it cannot be understood."
J. Budziszewski on Aristotle's view of the common good


Beth said...

Awesome... :)

- said...

nice jane austen quote. i guess it show's the ladies that you're sensitive AND well-read. word on the hang out, let's make it happen.